• Samstag, 21. September 2024 00:59
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class 2
Level , Hauptmann ()
Gondolin's Heritage
DKP Information
Kontoname Raids (30 Tage) Raids (60 Tage) Raids (90 Tage) Raids (Lebenszeit)
Default 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0)
130 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 100% (60/60)
105 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 100% (123/123)
... 3 Einträge gefunden

Datum Name Notiz
27.02.21 Amdân Dammul T2
20.02.21 Amdân Dammul T2
13.02.21 Amdân Dammul T2 +Remmo sides
17.04.21 Amdân Dammul T2
01.05.21 Amdân Dammul T2 igény esetén
22.03.21 Amdân Dammul Thres T2
28.04.15 Angmar: The Rift of Núrz Gháshu Várjuk a kis szintűeket is.
06.12.14 Central Gondor Wb-k, bossok stb..., 4 jelentkező alatt nem megyünk.
07.11.15 Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur
06.04.13 Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur BG T2c
08.03.14 Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur BG lett belőle
11.06.13 Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur Full BG T2c
26.04.14 Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur BG T2c
28.05.15 Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur
10.05.14 Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur BG lett belőle + skirm
12.02.15 Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur
09.04.15 Epic Battle DW esetleg RT/Pela
21.04.15 Epic Battle
05.11.15 Epic Battle
29.10.15 Epic Battle
21.05.15 Epic Battle
15.10.15 Epic Battle
26.05.15 Epic Battle
24.05.14 Epic Battle DW BB raid - minimum 11 ember
07.03.15 Epic Battle DW ha leszünk elegen, ha nem, akkor csak Pela.
19.07.14 Epic Battle DW BB raid - 1 teljes run
23.07.14 Epic Battle DW BB raid - 1 teljes run
26.07.14 Epic Battle
20.12.14 Epic Battle Remélem, hogy hazaérek 8-re :)
11.12.14 Epic Battle 12 fős raid, 8-nál kevesebb jelentkezővel csak 6 fős.
15.01.15 Epic Battle terv a 12 fős raid
27.08.15 Epic Battle DW
21.02.15 Epic Battle DW
26.05.13 Flight to the Lonely Mountain Flight try
30.05.13 Flight to the Lonely Mountain Flight T2 1st kill +BfE T2
10.04.13 Flight to the Lonely Mountain flight gyakorlás
07.03.13 Flight to the Lonely Mountain T1-es új raidek, Sergeant rangúak előnyben jelentkezésnél! (most nem a fürgeség számít)
20.03.14 Flight to the Lonely Mountain OD lett belőle
17.09.15 Helegrod: Dragon Wing Összes wing!
12.11.15 Helegrod: Dragon Wing Full
09.03.13 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth OD és Erebor T2
10.12.15 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth
08.08.13 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth első 4 wing (3HM)
30.01.16 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth
26.07.14 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth
04.03.14 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth OD T2c
19.07.14 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth OD Wound + Fear, ha jól haladunk akkor Poison + Disease is
02.08.14 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth
19.02.15 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth vagy HELEGROD
05.03.15 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth
25.07.13 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth első 4 wing (3HM)
17.05.14 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth Szép OD T2c, gz mindenkinek
19.11.15 Isengard: Draigoch's Lair
03.05.20 Isengard: The Tower of Orthanc T2C
03.09.15 Isengard: The Tower of Orthanc T2c
24.03.13 Isengard: The Tower of Orthanc Saruman t2
11.04.15 Lothlórien: Dár Narbugud
15.12.14 Pelargir Csata 6 fős, 10-12 jelentkező esetén 2x6
22.12.14 Pelargir Csata
13.01.15 Pelargir Csata 1x6 v 2x6 fő
13.08.20 Remmorchant T1
18.04.20 Remmorchant T2 1st boss first kill
11.07.20 Remmorchant T3 3xsides
19.05.20 Remmorchant T3 B1 first kill!
27.06.20 Remmorchant T3 1st +sides
13.03.21 Remmorchant B1 T3
23.02.21 Remmorchant T2 B2 + side
02.04.20 Remmorchant Remo T1 + Anvil
04.04.20 Remmorchant Remo T1 + Anvil
07.04.20 Remmorchant T1 1. és 2. boss
14.04.20 Remmorchant T1 első 2 boss
15.04.20 Remmorchant T1 full clear
16.04.20 Remmorchant T1 1st boss, Full Anvil T2
06.02.21 Remmorchant T2 B1-2
23.04.20 Remmorchant T1 1. boss + side
31.03.20 Remmorchant Remo T1 + Anvil
09.03.21 Remmorchant Boss 1, T3-4
28.03.20 Remmorchant T1 1st boss +side
05.05.20 Remmorchant Full 1-2 boss
07.05.20 Remmorchant T2 try
31.05.20 Remmorchant T2 + sides
09.06.20 Remmorchant T2 sides 3 kör
09.07.20 Remmorchant T2, T3 b1 + sides
16.07.20 Remmorchant T2 b1 +sides
09.05.20 Remmorchant T1 + Anvil
21.04.20 Remmorchant Full T1
11.06.20 Remmorchant T2 1. +sidesx2
25.03.21 Remmorchant B1 T3-5
01.08.20 Remmorchant T2 B1
09.02.21 Remmorchant T2 Full clear
21.05.20 Remmorchant Full T1
11.02.21 Remmorchant B1 T2-3-4
23.05.20 Remmorchant T2 1. boss +sides
25.04.20 Remmorchant T1 első 2 boss
22.04.21 Remmorchant B1 T3-4-5
14.05.20 Remmorchant T1 b1-2
18.02.21 Remmorchant B1 T2-3
28.05.20 Remmorchant Full t1
25.02.21 Remmorchant T3-5
16.05.20 Remmorchant T2 1. boss+sidex2
... 259 Einträge gefunden / 100 werden angezeigt
Individuelle Korrektur-Historie
Datum Grund
14.03.13 1st kill
30.05.13 1st kill bonusz
04.01.17 5. boss t2c try
26.06.16 Kezdő DKP
02.03.13 Pontátvitel
20.07.16 T1 full Throne
11.03.13 Véletlen törlés.
... 7 Einträge gefunden
Icon Ereignis Raids (Lebenszeit)
eventicon186 Amdân Dammul
100.00% (6/6)
eventicon149 Angmar: Barad Gularan
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon147 Angmar: Carn Dúm
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon150 Angmar: The Rift of Núrz Gháshu
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon48 Angmar: The Rift of Núrz Gháshu
100.00% (1/1)
eventicon148 Angmar: Urugarth
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon103 Annùminas: Glinghant
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon105 Annùminas: Haudh Valandil
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon104 Annùminas: Ost Elendil
0.00% (0/0)
Central Gondor
100.00% (1/1)
eventicon184 DKP Jutalom/Büntetés 130
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon98 DKP büntetés (105)
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon81 DKP büntetés (85)
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon99 DKP jutalom (105)
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon181 DPS mérés
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon151 Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon49 Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur
100.00% (8/8)
eventicon94 Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur (105)
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon154 Dol Guldur: Dungeons of Dol Guldur
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon152 Dol Guldur: Sammath Gúl
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon155 Dol Guldur: Sword-hall of Dol Guldur
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon153 Dol Guldur: Warg-pens of Dol Guldur
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon100 Egyéb (105)
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon80 Egyéb 75-ös pontok
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon79 Egyéb 85-ös pontok
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon88 Epic Battle
100.00% (17/17)
eventicon102 Erebor (105)
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon82 Ettenmoors
0.00% (0/0)
Flight to the Lonely Mountain
100.00% (5/5)
eventicon107 Fornost: Wrath of Earth
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon108 Fornost: Wrath of Fire
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon109 Fornost: Wrath of Shadow
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon106 Fornost: Wrath of Water
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon157 Garth Agarwen: Arboretum
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon158 Garth Agarwen: Barrows
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon156 Garth Agarwen: Fortress
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon177 Goblins Town: Goblin-town Throne Room
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon112 Great Barrow: Sambrog
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon111 Great Barrow: Thadúr
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon110 Great Barrow: The Maze
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon97 Helegrod (105)
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon78 Helegrod (85)
0.00% (0/1)
eventicon113 Helegrod: Dragon Wing
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon11 Helegrod: Dragon Wing
100.00% (2/2)
eventicon12 Helegrod: Drake Wing
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon114 Helegrod: Drake Wing
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon115 Helegrod: Giant Wing
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon13 Helegrod: Giant Wing
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon116 Helegrod: Spider Wing
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon14 Helegrod: Spider Wing
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon159 In Their Absence: Feste Dunoth
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon161 In Their Absence: Lost Temple
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon57 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth
100.00% (12/12)
eventicon95 In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth (105)
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon163 In Their Absence: Stoneheight
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon160 In Their Absence: Sári-Surma
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon162 In Their Absence: The Northcotton Farm
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon87 Insta
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon123 Isengard: Dargnákh Unleashed
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon24 Isengard: Draigoch's Lair
100.00% (1/1)
eventicon126 Isengard: Draigoch's Lair
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon125 Isengard: Fangorn's Edge
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon124 Isengard: Pits of Isengard
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon122 Isengard: The Foundry
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon121 Isengard: The Tower of Orthanc
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon19 Isengard: The Tower of Orthanc
100.00% (3/3)
eventicon93 Kinship Event
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon127 Limlight Gorge: Roots of Fangorn
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon164 Lothlórien: Dár Narbugud
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon62 Lothlórien: Dár Narbugud
100.00% (1/1)
eventicon165 Lothlórien: Halls of Crafting
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon166 Lothlórien: The Mirror-halls of Lumul-nar
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon167 Lothlórien: The Water Wheels: Nalá-dúm
0.00% (0/0)
Moria: Dark Delving
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon173 Moria: Fil Gashan
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon169 Moria: Filikul
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon171 Moria: Skúmfíl
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon172 Moria: The Forges of Khazad-dúm
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon176 Moria: The Forgotten Treasury
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon170 Moria: The Grand Stair
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon175 Moria: The Sixteenth Hall
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon66 Moria: The Vile Maw
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon168 Moria: The Vile Maw
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon86 Mória deed
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon117 Other instances: Halls of Nights
0.00% (0/0)
Other instances: Inn of the Forsaken
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon119 Other instances: Library of Tham Mírdain
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon120 Other instances: School at Tham Mírdain
0.00% (0/0)
Pelargir Csata
100.00% (3/3)
eventicon183 Remmorchant
98.00% (53/54)
Roving Threats
100.00% (1/1)
eventicon76 Skirmish
100.00% (2/2)
eventicon96 Skirmish (105)
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon178 Skirmish (12)
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon179 Skirmish (6)
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon31 Skirmish (defensive): Battle of the Deep-Way
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon133 Skirmish (defensive): Battle of the Deep-Way
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon33 Skirmish (defensive): Battle of the Twenty-first Hall
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon135 Skirmish (defensive): Battle of the Twenty-first Hall
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon32 Skirmish (defensive): Battle of the Way of Smiths
100.00% (1/1)
eventicon134 Skirmish (defensive): Battle of the Way of Smiths
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon131 Skirmish (defensive): Defence of The Prancing Pony
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon29 Skirmish (defensive): Defence of The Prancing Pony
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon26 Skirmish (defensive): Ford of Bruinen
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon128 Skirmish (defensive): Ford of Bruinen
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon132 Skirmish (defensive): Protectors of Thangúlhad
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon30 Skirmish (defensive): Protectors of Thangúlhad
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon27 Skirmish (defensive): Siege of Gondamon
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon129 Skirmish (defensive): Siege of Gondamon
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon28 Skirmish (defensive): Stand at Amon Súl
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon130 Skirmish (defensive): Stand at Amon Súl
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon37 Skirmish (offensive): Assault on the Ringwraiths' Lair
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon139 Skirmish (offensive): Assault on the Ringwraiths' Lair
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon144 Skirmish (offensive): Attack At Dawn
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon42 Skirmish (offensive): Attack At Dawn
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon138 Skirmish (offensive): Breaching the Nocromancer's Gate
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon36 Skirmish (offensive): Breaching the Nocromancer's Gate
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon142 Skirmish (offensive): Rescue in Núrz Gháshu
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon40 Skirmish (offensive): Rescue in Núrz Gháshu
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon145 Skirmish (offensive): Storm on Methedras
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon43 Skirmish (offensive): Storm on Methedras
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon35 Skirmish (offensive): Strike against Dannanglor
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon137 Skirmish (offensive): Strike against Dannanglor
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon140 Skirmish (offensive): The Battel in the Tower
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon38 Skirmish (offensive): The Battel in the Tower
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon41 Skirmish (offensive): The Icy Crevasse
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon143 Skirmish (offensive): The Icy Crevasse
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon39 Skirmish (offensive): Thievery and Mischief
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon141 Skirmish (offensive): Thievery and Mischief
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon34 Skirmish (offensive): Trouble in Tuckborough
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon136 Skirmish (offensive): Trouble in Tuckborough
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon44 Skirmish (survival): Barrow-downs
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon146 Skirmish (survival): Barrow-downs
0.00% (0/0)
Tarlang's Crown
100.00% (1/1)
eventicon180 The Abyss of Mordath
96.00% (25/26)
eventicon182 The Anvil of Winterstith
88.00% (14/16)
The Battle for Erebor
88.00% (15/17)
The Fires of Smaug
100.00% (6/6)
eventicon101 Throne of the Dread Terror
100.00% (81/81)
... 139 Einträge gefunden



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