• Wednesday, 12. March 2025 03:06

eventicon101 Throne of the Dread Terror



Date Name Note
07.02.21 Throne of the Dread Terror Deed/token
01.05.20 Throne of the Dread Terror T2C full, UO meg amit a lagg enged...
26.10.19 Throne of the Dread Terror T2c run
24.03.18 Throne of the Dread Terror Challenger
23.07.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 6. boss
20.07.17 Throne of the Dread Terror T2c Múmak
29.04.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 3. 4. bossok
22.04.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 3. 4. 5. boss (1HM)
12.04.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 5. 6. bossok (esetleg szerda)
08.04.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 3. 5. bossok, ha vagyunk, kicsit korábban kezdünk!
01.04.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 3. 5.
15.03.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 6. boss
13.03.17 Throne of the Dread Terror
11.03.17 Throne of the Dread Terror
09.03.17 Throne of the Dread Terror
05.03.17 Throne of the Dread Terror
04.03.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 2,3,4
02.03.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 1. 2. bossok
26.02.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 5. boss
25.02.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 3. 4. 5.
23.02.17 Throne of the Dread Terror t2
20.02.17 Throne of the Dread Terror
19.02.17 Throne of the Dread Terror
18.02.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 3. 4. 5.
16.02.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 1. 2. boss (vagy csak 2.)
12.02.17 Throne of the Dread Terror T1, bárki jöhet, nincs gear követelmény
11.02.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 3., 4., 5. bossok
09.02.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 1. 2. boss, lehet csak 2.
05.02.17 Throne of the Dread Terror
04.02.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 2. boss 1st kill (NM)
02.02.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 1-2. bossok
31.01.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 6. boss t2 try
28.01.17 Throne of the Dread Terror terv: 3. bosstól
26.01.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 1. 2. bossok, utóbbi csak közel megfelelő csapattal
14.01.17 Throne of the Dread Terror
12.01.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 1. boss
11.01.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 6. boss
09.01.17 Throne of the Dread Terror
07.01.17 Throne of the Dread Terror 3. 4. boss
05.01.17 Throne of the Dread Terror
03.01.17 Throne of the Dread Terror
29.12.16 Throne of the Dread Terror
27.12.16 Throne of the Dread Terror Vadok T2c, 4th t2
22.12.16 Throne of the Dread Terror t2 troll
17.12.16 Throne of the Dread Terror Valami réjd
15.12.16 Throne of the Dread Terror troll t2c
10.12.16 Throne of the Dread Terror
08.12.16 Throne of the Dread Terror t2
03.12.16 Throne of the Dread Terror
01.12.16 Throne of the Dread Terror
26.11.16 Throne of the Dread Terror T2 3. boss és 4. HM try
19.11.16 Throne of the Dread Terror 3rd t2c boss 1st kill + 4th boss nm 1st kill
17.11.16 Throne of the Dread Terror T2 troll+múmak try
12.11.16 Throne of the Dread Terror T2 megint
05.11.16 Throne of the Dread Terror Troll t2c, vadok try
15.10.16 Throne of the Dread Terror t1
13.10.16 Throne of the Dread Terror t2
01.10.16 Throne of the Dread Terror t1
29.09.16 Throne of the Dread Terror t2
24.09.16 Throne of the Dread Terror t1
22.09.16 Throne of the Dread Terror t2
08.09.16 Throne of the Dread Terror Troll t2c 1st kill
03.09.16 Throne of the Dread Terror T1v t2
01.09.16 Throne of the Dread Terror T2
25.08.16 Throne of the Dread Terror T2, nem adjuk fel
22.08.16 Throne of the Dread Terror T1
18.08.16 Throne of the Dread Terror T2
13.08.16 Throne of the Dread Terror
11.08.16 Throne of the Dread Terror Csak T1 lesz!
06.08.16 Throne of the Dread Terror
04.08.16 Throne of the Dread Terror
30.07.16 Throne of the Dread Terror
28.07.16 Throne of the Dread Terror
23.07.16 Throne of the Dread Terror
20.07.16 Throne of the Dread Terror T1
16.07.16 Throne of the Dread Terror T2 try, megfelelő csapat esetén
14.07.16 Throne of the Dread Terror Full clear
13.07.16 Throne of the Dread Terror T1, remélhetőleg full run
09.07.16 Throne of the Dread Terror 1st kill múmak + ráhúzás
06.07.16 Throne of the Dread Terror T1 lesz!
05.07.16 Throne of the Dread Terror T1
... 81 entries found


Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool
23.07.17 Atarandir Tome of the Little Mûmak Throne of the Dread Terror 105
23.07.17 Emon Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
23.07.17 Aranypatak Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
29.04.17 Elix Ornate Inlay Throne of the Dread Terror 85-ös itemek
29.04.17 Belturin Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.04.17 Grilfry Tome of the Little Mûmak Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.04.17 Grilfry Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.04.17 Syrn Officer's Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.04.17 Grilfry Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
12.04.17 Dworthorin Ornate Inlay Throne of the Dread Terror 105
12.04.17 Elix Officer's Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
12.04.17 Belturin Masterwork Legguards of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
08.04.17 Iwelath Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
08.04.17 Fradi Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
08.04.17 Atarandir Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
01.04.17 Elix Masterwork Legguards of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
01.04.17 Elix Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
01.04.17 Belturin Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
01.04.17 Mirlo Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
01.04.17 Elix Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
01.04.17 Belturin Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
13.03.17 Elix Masterwork Legguards of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
13.03.17 Atarandir Masterwork Legguards of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
13.03.17 Gabrolos Officer's Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
13.03.17 Syrn Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
13.03.17 Elix Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
13.03.17 Gabrolos Essence Throne of the Dread Terror 105
13.03.17 Mirlo Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
09.03.17 Elix Officer's Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
09.03.17 Ancsi Essence Throne of the Dread Terror 105
09.03.17 Syrn Tome of the Tamed Hound Throne of the Dread Terror 105
05.03.17 Mirlo Tome of the Little Mûmak Throne of the Dread Terror 105
05.03.17 Fradi Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
05.03.17 Elix Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
05.03.17 Fradi Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
25.02.17 Elix Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
23.02.17 Elix Tome of the Tamed Hound Throne of the Dread Terror 105
20.02.17 Dworthorin Replica of Dúnachar Throne of the Dread Terror 105
20.02.17 Ancsi Essence Throne of the Dread Terror 105
20.02.17 Aranypatak Officer's Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
20.02.17 Mirlo Masterwork Legguards of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
20.02.17 Atarandir Masterwork Legguards of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
20.02.17 Ancsi Masterwork Legguards of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
20.02.17 Iwelath Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
18.02.17 Mirlo Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
18.02.17 Elix Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
11.02.17 Aranypatak Tome of the Loyal Swan Knight Throne of the Dread Terror 105
11.02.17 Elix Tome of the Loyal Swan Knight Throne of the Dread Terror 105
11.02.17 Elix Tome of the Little Mûmak Throne of the Dread Terror 105
11.02.17 Iwelath Masterwork Legguards of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
11.02.17 Dworthorin Masterwork Legguards of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
11.02.17 Ancsi Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
11.02.17 Aranypatak Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
05.02.17 Mirlo Masterwork Legguards of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
05.02.17 Ancsi Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
05.02.17 Mirlo Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
05.02.17 Dworthorin Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
05.02.17 Confused Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
28.01.17 Atarandir Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
28.01.17 Dworthorin Officer's Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
28.01.17 Elix Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
28.01.17 Erpil Tome of the Loyal Swan Knight Throne of the Dread Terror 105
28.01.17 Mirlo Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
26.01.17 Atarandir Essence Throne of the Dread Terror 105
26.01.17 Iwelath Officer's Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
14.01.17 Emon Pristine Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
14.01.17 Emon Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
14.01.17 Elix Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
14.01.17 Confused Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
14.01.17 Atarandir Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
14.01.17 Dworthorin Tome of the Tamed Hound Throne of the Dread Terror 105
14.01.17 Confused Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
14.01.17 Emon Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
14.01.17 Elix Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
14.01.17 Erpil Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
12.01.17 Iwelath Tome of the Loyal Swan Knight Throne of the Dread Terror 105
09.01.17 Iwelath Miniature Siege Tower Throne of the Dread Terror 105
09.01.17 Elix Shimmering Tail-guard Throne of the Dread Terror 105
09.01.17 Gabrolos Officer's Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
09.01.17 Syrn Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
07.01.17 Mirlo Tome of the Tamed Hound Throne of the Dread Terror 105
07.01.17 Grilfry Pristine Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
07.01.17 Confused Pristine Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
07.01.17 Erpil Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
07.01.17 Confused Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
07.01.17 Gabrolos Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
05.01.17 Grilfry Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
05.01.17 Emon Tome of the Little Mûmak Throne of the Dread Terror 105
03.01.17 Grilfry Pristine Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
03.01.17 Emon Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
29.12.16 Grilfry Shimmering Tail-guard Throne of the Dread Terror 105
29.12.16 Aranypatak Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
29.12.16 Grilfry Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
29.12.16 Gabrolos Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
29.12.16 Grilfry Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
29.12.16 Aranypatak Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
29.12.16 Ancsi Officer's Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
27.12.16 Dworthorin Tome of the Loyal Swan Knight Throne of the Dread Terror 105
27.12.16 Emon Tome of the Loyal Swan Knight Throne of the Dread Terror 105
27.12.16 Mirlo Pristine Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
27.12.16 Emon Pristine Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
27.12.16 Ancsi Reclaimed Pelennor Defender's Gear Throne of the Dread Terror 105
27.12.16 Ancsi Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
27.12.16 Emon Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
27.12.16 Atarandir Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.12.16 Mirlo Craft item Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.12.16 Iwelath Craft item Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.12.16 Grilfry Craft item Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.12.16 Erpil Craft item Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.12.16 Elix Craft item Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.12.16 Dworthorin Craft item Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.12.16 Atarandir Craft item Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.12.16 Grilfry Miniature Siege Tower Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.12.16 Emon Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.12.16 Grilfry Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.12.16 Confused Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
22.12.16 Grilfry Tome of the Tamed Hound Throne of the Dread Terror 105
17.12.16 Emon Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
15.12.16 Ancsi Miniature Siege Tower Throne of the Dread Terror 105
15.12.16 Erpil Tome of the Little Mûmak Throne of the Dread Terror 105
15.12.16 Emon Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
15.12.16 Mirlo Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
15.12.16 Emon Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
08.12.16 Gabrolos Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
08.12.16 Emon Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
08.12.16 Confused Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
08.12.16 Emon Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
08.12.16 Atarandir Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
01.12.16 Ancsi Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
26.11.16 Confused Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
26.11.16 Moyrinn Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
26.11.16 Ancsi Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Emon Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Emon Pristine Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Atarandir Shimmering Tail-guard Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Confused Pristine Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Gabrolos Pristine Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Emon Pristine Bracelet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Moyrinn Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Gabrolos Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Moyrinn Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Emon Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Confused Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Atarandir Pristine Earring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Mirlo Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Iwelath Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
19.11.16 Dworthorin Masterwork Gauntlets of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
17.11.16 Emon Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
17.11.16 Mirlo Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
06.11.16 Gabrolos Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
06.11.16 Erpil Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
06.11.16 Dworthorin Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
08.09.16 Erpil Shimmering Tail-guard Throne of the Dread Terror 105
08.09.16 Emon Worn Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
08.09.16 Gabrolos Worn Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
08.09.16 Gabrolos Pristine Ring of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
08.09.16 Iwelath Masterwork Helmet of the Pelennor Fields Throne of the Dread Terror 105
... 157 entries found