Home Raids Raids Listing 266 Create raid summary Starting Date Ending Date Create summary Reset 1 23 Date Name Note Attendees Items 06.05.21 Remmorchant T3 B1 b2 try 7 0 02.05.21 The Anvil of Winterstith T2 8 0 01.05.21 Amdân Dammul T2 igény esetén 8 0 29.04.21 Remmorchant T3 B1 +b2 try 8 0 24.04.21 The Anvil of Winterstith Full T3 9 0 22.04.21 Remmorchant B1 T3-4-5 9 0 17.04.21 Amdân Dammul T2 6 0 15.04.21 Remmorchant B1 t3-5 9 0 10.04.21 The Anvil of Winterstith T3 Full kész 9 0 08.04.21 Remmorchant B1 t3-4-5 9 0 25.03.21 Remmorchant B1 T3-5 8 0 22.03.21 Amdân Dammul Thres T2 8 0 13.03.21 Remmorchant B1 T3 8 0 11.03.21 Remmorchant B1 T3-4-5 9 0 09.03.21 Remmorchant Boss 1, T3-4 8 0 27.02.21 Amdân Dammul T2 8 0 25.02.21 Remmorchant T3-5 7 0 23.02.21 Remmorchant T2 B2 + side 8 0 20.02.21 Amdân Dammul T2 9 0 18.02.21 Remmorchant B1 T2-3 7 0 14.02.21 The Anvil of Winterstith T2 full 8 0 13.02.21 Amdân Dammul T2 +Remmo sides 7 0 11.02.21 Remmorchant B1 T2-3-4 7 0 09.02.21 Remmorchant T2 Full clear 7 0 07.02.21 Throne of the Dread Terror Deed/token 8 0 06.02.21 Remmorchant T2 B1-2 6 0 13.08.20 Remmorchant T1 4 0 01.08.20 Remmorchant T2 B1 6 0 16.07.20 Remmorchant T2 b1 +sides 6 0 11.07.20 Remmorchant T3 3xsides 4 0 09.07.20 Remmorchant T2, T3 b1 + sides 6 0 27.06.20 Remmorchant T3 1st +sides 9 0 26.06.20 The Anvil of Winterstith Anvil T2 8 0 25.06.20 Remmorchant T2 első boss +sides 7 0 22.06.20 Remmorchant Full t1 6 0 18.06.20 Remmorchant T2 1. boss +sides 7 0 16.06.20 The Anvil of Winterstith Full Anvil t2 8 0 15.06.20 Remmorchant T3 sides x2 8 0 13.06.20 Remmorchant T2 sides +b2 try 3 0 11.06.20 Remmorchant T2 1. +sidesx2 7 0 09.06.20 Remmorchant T2 sides 3 kör 9 0 31.05.20 Remmorchant T2 + sides 9 0 30.05.20 Remmorchant T3 1. boss try 10 0 28.05.20 Remmorchant Full t1 9 0 23.05.20 Remmorchant T2 1. boss +sides 9 0 21.05.20 Remmorchant Full T1 12 0 19.05.20 Remmorchant T3 B1 first kill! 8 0 17.05.20 The Anvil of Winterstith Full T2 11 0 16.05.20 Remmorchant T2 1. boss+sidex2 11 0 14.05.20 Remmorchant T1 b1-2 11 0 09.05.20 Remmorchant T1 + Anvil 11 0 07.05.20 Remmorchant T2 try 11 0 05.05.20 Remmorchant Full 1-2 boss 9 0 03.05.20 Isengard: The Tower of Orthanc T2C 7 0 02.05.20 Remmorchant T2 első +sidex2 12 0 01.05.20 Throne of the Dread Terror T2C full, UO meg amit a lagg enged... 8 0 30.04.20 Remmorchant T1 első boss, 2 run + T2 try 12 0 28.04.20 Remmorchant T1 full run 12 0 25.04.20 Remmorchant T1 első 2 boss 12 0 23.04.20 Remmorchant T1 1. boss + side 12 0 21.04.20 Remmorchant Full T1 12 0 18.04.20 Remmorchant T2 1st boss first kill 11 0 16.04.20 Remmorchant T1 1st boss, Full Anvil T2 10 0 15.04.20 Remmorchant T1 full clear 12 0 14.04.20 Remmorchant T1 első 2 boss 13 0 07.04.20 Remmorchant T1 1. és 2. boss 13 0 04.04.20 Remmorchant Remo T1 + Anvil 13 0 02.04.20 Remmorchant Remo T1 + Anvil 12 0 31.03.20 Remmorchant Remo T1 + Anvil 12 0 28.03.20 Remmorchant T1 1st boss +side 11 0 02.11.19 The Anvil of Winterstith T2 este 8-tól 12 0 26.10.19 Throne of the Dread Terror T2c run 9 0 23.10.19 The Anvil of Winterstith T2 full clear 11 0 19.10.19 The Anvil of Winterstith Első 3 boss T2 12 0 09.03.19 The Anvil of Winterstith T2 9 0 16.02.19 The Anvil of Winterstith 10 0 14.02.19 The Anvil of Winterstith 7 0 09.02.19 The Anvil of Winterstith T1 10 0 02.02.19 The Anvil of Winterstith T1 7 0 26.01.19 The Anvil of Winterstith T1 8 0 12.05.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1. boss 10 0 07.05.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 3. boss x2 11 0 05.05.18 The Abyss of Mordath 2. boss HM First kill 9 0 03.05.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1. boss 10 0 30.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 3. boss 8 0 28.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath 3. boss t2 11 0 26.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1. és 2. boss 11 0 21.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath 3. boss t2 first kill 10 0 19.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1. és 2. boss 9 0 15.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 11 0 12.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1. boss 11 0 07.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T1 10 0 05.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1. boss 10 0 26.03.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 2. boss 10 0 24.03.18 Throne of the Dread Terror Challenger 11 0 22.03.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 11 0 19.03.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1st boss 1st kill 9 0 17.03.18 The Abyss of Mordath T1 11 0 13.03.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 11 0 10.03.18 The Abyss of Mordath T1 vagy T2, attól függően mi volt csütörtökön. 8 0 1 23
Raids Listing 266 Create raid summary Starting Date Ending Date Create summary Reset 1 23 Date Name Note Attendees Items 06.05.21 Remmorchant T3 B1 b2 try 7 0 02.05.21 The Anvil of Winterstith T2 8 0 01.05.21 Amdân Dammul T2 igény esetén 8 0 29.04.21 Remmorchant T3 B1 +b2 try 8 0 24.04.21 The Anvil of Winterstith Full T3 9 0 22.04.21 Remmorchant B1 T3-4-5 9 0 17.04.21 Amdân Dammul T2 6 0 15.04.21 Remmorchant B1 t3-5 9 0 10.04.21 The Anvil of Winterstith T3 Full kész 9 0 08.04.21 Remmorchant B1 t3-4-5 9 0 25.03.21 Remmorchant B1 T3-5 8 0 22.03.21 Amdân Dammul Thres T2 8 0 13.03.21 Remmorchant B1 T3 8 0 11.03.21 Remmorchant B1 T3-4-5 9 0 09.03.21 Remmorchant Boss 1, T3-4 8 0 27.02.21 Amdân Dammul T2 8 0 25.02.21 Remmorchant T3-5 7 0 23.02.21 Remmorchant T2 B2 + side 8 0 20.02.21 Amdân Dammul T2 9 0 18.02.21 Remmorchant B1 T2-3 7 0 14.02.21 The Anvil of Winterstith T2 full 8 0 13.02.21 Amdân Dammul T2 +Remmo sides 7 0 11.02.21 Remmorchant B1 T2-3-4 7 0 09.02.21 Remmorchant T2 Full clear 7 0 07.02.21 Throne of the Dread Terror Deed/token 8 0 06.02.21 Remmorchant T2 B1-2 6 0 13.08.20 Remmorchant T1 4 0 01.08.20 Remmorchant T2 B1 6 0 16.07.20 Remmorchant T2 b1 +sides 6 0 11.07.20 Remmorchant T3 3xsides 4 0 09.07.20 Remmorchant T2, T3 b1 + sides 6 0 27.06.20 Remmorchant T3 1st +sides 9 0 26.06.20 The Anvil of Winterstith Anvil T2 8 0 25.06.20 Remmorchant T2 első boss +sides 7 0 22.06.20 Remmorchant Full t1 6 0 18.06.20 Remmorchant T2 1. boss +sides 7 0 16.06.20 The Anvil of Winterstith Full Anvil t2 8 0 15.06.20 Remmorchant T3 sides x2 8 0 13.06.20 Remmorchant T2 sides +b2 try 3 0 11.06.20 Remmorchant T2 1. +sidesx2 7 0 09.06.20 Remmorchant T2 sides 3 kör 9 0 31.05.20 Remmorchant T2 + sides 9 0 30.05.20 Remmorchant T3 1. boss try 10 0 28.05.20 Remmorchant Full t1 9 0 23.05.20 Remmorchant T2 1. boss +sides 9 0 21.05.20 Remmorchant Full T1 12 0 19.05.20 Remmorchant T3 B1 first kill! 8 0 17.05.20 The Anvil of Winterstith Full T2 11 0 16.05.20 Remmorchant T2 1. boss+sidex2 11 0 14.05.20 Remmorchant T1 b1-2 11 0 09.05.20 Remmorchant T1 + Anvil 11 0 07.05.20 Remmorchant T2 try 11 0 05.05.20 Remmorchant Full 1-2 boss 9 0 03.05.20 Isengard: The Tower of Orthanc T2C 7 0 02.05.20 Remmorchant T2 első +sidex2 12 0 01.05.20 Throne of the Dread Terror T2C full, UO meg amit a lagg enged... 8 0 30.04.20 Remmorchant T1 első boss, 2 run + T2 try 12 0 28.04.20 Remmorchant T1 full run 12 0 25.04.20 Remmorchant T1 első 2 boss 12 0 23.04.20 Remmorchant T1 1. boss + side 12 0 21.04.20 Remmorchant Full T1 12 0 18.04.20 Remmorchant T2 1st boss first kill 11 0 16.04.20 Remmorchant T1 1st boss, Full Anvil T2 10 0 15.04.20 Remmorchant T1 full clear 12 0 14.04.20 Remmorchant T1 első 2 boss 13 0 07.04.20 Remmorchant T1 1. és 2. boss 13 0 04.04.20 Remmorchant Remo T1 + Anvil 13 0 02.04.20 Remmorchant Remo T1 + Anvil 12 0 31.03.20 Remmorchant Remo T1 + Anvil 12 0 28.03.20 Remmorchant T1 1st boss +side 11 0 02.11.19 The Anvil of Winterstith T2 este 8-tól 12 0 26.10.19 Throne of the Dread Terror T2c run 9 0 23.10.19 The Anvil of Winterstith T2 full clear 11 0 19.10.19 The Anvil of Winterstith Első 3 boss T2 12 0 09.03.19 The Anvil of Winterstith T2 9 0 16.02.19 The Anvil of Winterstith 10 0 14.02.19 The Anvil of Winterstith 7 0 09.02.19 The Anvil of Winterstith T1 10 0 02.02.19 The Anvil of Winterstith T1 7 0 26.01.19 The Anvil of Winterstith T1 8 0 12.05.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1. boss 10 0 07.05.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 3. boss x2 11 0 05.05.18 The Abyss of Mordath 2. boss HM First kill 9 0 03.05.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1. boss 10 0 30.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 3. boss 8 0 28.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath 3. boss t2 11 0 26.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1. és 2. boss 11 0 21.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath 3. boss t2 first kill 10 0 19.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1. és 2. boss 9 0 15.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 11 0 12.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1. boss 11 0 07.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T1 10 0 05.04.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1. boss 10 0 26.03.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 2. boss 10 0 24.03.18 Throne of the Dread Terror Challenger 11 0 22.03.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 11 0 19.03.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 1st boss 1st kill 9 0 17.03.18 The Abyss of Mordath T1 11 0 13.03.18 The Abyss of Mordath T2 11 0 10.03.18 The Abyss of Mordath T1 vagy T2, attól függően mi volt csütörtökön. 8 0 1 23