Home Raids Raids - The Battle for Erebor, 10.03.13 The Battle for Erebor, 10. March 2013 20:00 Added By Atarandir Note Setuptól függően T1/T2 Attendees 7 Ancsi Atarandir Confused Esnar Hunor-1 Mirlo Syrn Items 0 Buyer Name Itempool Droprate Value Class Distribution Loot Distribution Class Distribution Class Percent Attendees Minstrel 29.00% Ancsi, Hunor-1 Captain 29.00% Atarandir, Esnar Lore-master 14.00% Confused Hunter 14.00% Mirlo Guardian 14.00% Syrn Back
The Battle for Erebor, 10. March 2013 20:00 Added By Atarandir Note Setuptól függően T1/T2 Attendees 7 Ancsi Atarandir Confused Esnar Hunor-1 Mirlo Syrn Items 0 Buyer Name Itempool Droprate Value Class Distribution Loot Distribution Class Distribution Class Percent Attendees Minstrel 29.00% Ancsi, Hunor-1 Captain 29.00% Atarandir, Esnar Lore-master 14.00% Confused Hunter 14.00% Mirlo Guardian 14.00% Syrn Back