User: Atarandir
Male, Registered on 02.03.13 17:06Last activity on 06.04.24 23:05
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Characters 8
Character name | Level | Rank | Type | 130 Raids (30 days) | 105 Raids (30 days) | Default Raids (30 days) | 130 Raids (lifetime) | 105 Raids (lifetime) | Default Raids (lifetime) |
Default Default |
Twink Main Twink Twink Twink Twink Twink Twink |
0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) |
0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) |
0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) |
0% (0/21) 98% (59/60) 0% (0/60) 0% (0/60) 0% (0/60) 0% (0/60) 0% (0/60) 2% (1/60) 100% (60/60) |
0% (0/5) 98% (120/123) 0% (0/123) 0% (0/123) 2% (3/123) 0% (0/123) 0% (0/123) 0% (0/123) 100% (123/123) |
0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) |
Raid Attendance History 266
Date | Name | Note | Value |
26.06.20 | The Anvil of Winterstith | Anvil T2 | 10 |
04.04.20 | Remmorchant | Remo T1 + Anvil | 10 |
28.03.20 | Remmorchant | T1 1st boss +side | 10 |
22.08.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T1 | 10 |
31.03.20 | Remmorchant | Remo T1 + Anvil | 10 |
07.05.20 | Remmorchant | T2 try | 10 |
02.04.20 | Remmorchant | Remo T1 + Anvil | 10 |
01.05.20 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T2C full, UO meg amit a lagg enged... | 10 |
01.08.20 | Remmorchant | T2 B1 | 15 |
14.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 első 2 boss | 15 |
07.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 1. és 2. boss | 15 |
31.01.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 6. boss t2 try | 15 |
20.07.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T2c Múmak | 15 |
09.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 1. 2. boss, lehet csak 2. | 15 |
22.06.20 | Remmorchant | Full t1 | 15 |
19.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 15 | |
11.07.20 | Remmorchant | T3 3xsides | 15 |
15.03.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 6. boss | 15 |
26.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 5. boss | 15 |
02.03.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 1. 2. bossok | 15 |
04.03.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 2,3,4 | 15 |
16.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 1st boss, Full Anvil T2 | 15 |
25.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 első 2 boss | 15 |
09.06.20 | Remmorchant | T2 sides 3 kör | 15 |
18.04.20 | Remmorchant | T2 1st boss first kill | 15 |
24.09.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | t1 | 15 |
30.05.20 | Remmorchant | T3 1. boss try | 15 |
14.05.20 | Remmorchant | T1 b1-2 | 15 |
30.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 első boss, 2 run + T2 try | 15 |
09.05.20 | Remmorchant | T1 + Anvil | 15 |
05.05.20 | Remmorchant | Full 1-2 boss | 15 |
27.03.13 | The Fires of Smaug | T1 altoknak deedekért | 15 |
11.06.20 | Remmorchant | T2 1. +sidesx2 | 20 |
18.06.20 | Remmorchant | T2 1. boss +sides | 20 |
30.04.18 | The Abyss of Mordath | T2 3. boss | 20 |
25.06.20 | Remmorchant | T2 első boss +sides | 20 |
28.04.18 | The Abyss of Mordath | 3. boss t2 | 20 |
16.05.20 | Remmorchant | T2 1. boss+sidex2 | 20 |
11.03.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
12.05.18 | The Abyss of Mordath | T2 1. boss | 20 |
21.05.20 | Remmorchant | Full T1 | 20 |
23.07.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 6. boss | 20 |
15.04.18 | The Abyss of Mordath | T2 | 20 |
07.04.18 | The Abyss of Mordath | T1 | 20 |
28.05.20 | Remmorchant | Full t1 | 20 |
21.04.20 | Remmorchant | Full T1 | 20 |
10.03.18 | The Abyss of Mordath | T1 vagy T2, attól függően mi volt csütörtökön. | 20 |
07.05.18 | The Abyss of Mordath | T2 3. boss x2 | 20 |
29.09.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | t2 | 20 |
28.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 full run | 20 |
23.07.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
25.08.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T2, nem adjuk fel | 20 |
01.12.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
03.12.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
13.08.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
11.08.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | Csak T1 lesz! | 20 |
06.08.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
30.07.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
10.12.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
15.12.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | troll t2c | 20 |
17.12.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | Valami réjd | 20 |
22.09.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | t2 | 20 |
22.12.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | t2 troll | 20 |
29.12.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
16.07.20 | Remmorchant | T2 b1 +sides | 20 |
25.03.13 | The Battle for Erebor | T1 | 20 |
29.05.13 | The Fires of Smaug | T1 altoknak deedekért | 20 |
08.06.13 | The Battle for Erebor | Flight try | 20 |
20.07.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T1 | 20 |
12.11.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T2 megint | 20 |
12.01.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 1. boss | 20 |
11.01.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 6. boss | 20 |
05.01.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
13.07.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T1, remélhetőleg full run | 25 |
04.08.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 25 | |
06.07.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T1 lesz! | 25 |
28.07.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 25 | |
15.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 full clear | 25 |
26.05.13 | Flight to the Lonely Mountain | Flight try | 25 |
01.09.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T2 | 25 |
02.05.20 | Remmorchant | T2 első +sidex2 | 25 |
09.03.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 25 | |
16.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 1. 2. boss (vagy csak 2.) | 25 |
27.06.20 | Remmorchant | T3 1st +sides | 25 |
17.05.20 | The Anvil of Winterstith | Full T2 | 25 |
26.03.18 | The Abyss of Mordath | T2 2. boss | 25 |
23.05.20 | Remmorchant | T2 1. boss +sides | 25 |
31.05.20 | Remmorchant | T2 + sides | 25 |
01.10.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | t1 | 25 |
12.04.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 5. 6. bossok (esetleg szerda) | 25 |
12.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T1, bárki jöhet, nincs gear követelmény | 25 |
03.05.18 | The Abyss of Mordath | T2 1. boss | 30 |
19.03.13 | The Fires of Smaug | T2 (sergeantok előnyben jelntkezésnél!!!) | 30 |
21.03.13 | The Fires of Smaug | SmaugT2 | 30 |
25.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 3. 4. 5. | 30 |
10.04.13 | Flight to the Lonely Mountain | flight gyakorlás | 30 |
20.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 30 | |
18.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 3. 4. 5. | 30 |
03.01.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 30 | |
11.06.13 | Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur | Full BG T2c | 30 |
Item Purchase History 16
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