User: Gabrolos

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Characters 3
Character name | Level | Rank | Type | 130 Raids (30 days) | 105 Raids (30 days) | Default Raids (30 days) | 130 Raids (lifetime) | 105 Raids (lifetime) | Default Raids (lifetime) |
Main Twink Twink |
0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) |
0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) |
0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) |
25% (15/60) 0% (0/60) 0% (0/60) 25% (15/60) |
43% (53/123) 0% (0/113) 0% (0/123) 43% (53/123) |
0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) |
Raid Attendance History 94
Date | Name | Note | Value |
09.05.20 | Remmorchant | T1 + Anvil | 15 |
07.05.20 | Remmorchant | T2 try | 10 |
05.05.20 | Remmorchant | Full 1-2 boss | 15 |
02.05.20 | Remmorchant | T2 első +sidex2 | 25 |
30.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 első boss, 2 run + T2 try | 15 |
28.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 full run | 20 |
25.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 első 2 boss | 15 |
23.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 1. boss + side | 10 |
15.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 full clear | 25 |
14.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 első 2 boss | 15 |
07.04.20 | Remmorchant | T1 1. és 2. boss | 15 |
04.04.20 | Remmorchant | Remo T1 + Anvil | 10 |
02.04.20 | Remmorchant | Remo T1 + Anvil | 10 |
31.03.20 | Remmorchant | Remo T1 + Anvil | 10 |
28.03.20 | Remmorchant | T1 1st boss +side | 10 |
22.02.18 | The Abyss of Mordath | Tier csapattól függ. | 0 |
28.12.17 | The Abyss of Mordath | 50 | |
21.12.17 | The Abyss of Mordath | Újabb t1 | 50 |
16.12.17 | The Abyss of Mordath | T1, raid kipróbálása | 100 |
20.07.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T2c Múmak | 15 |
08.04.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 3. 5. bossok, ha vagyunk, kicsit korábban kezdünk! | 40 |
15.03.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 6. boss | 15 |
13.03.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 40 | |
11.03.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
09.03.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 25 | |
02.03.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 1. 2. bossok | 15 |
25.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 3. 4. 5. | 30 |
23.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | t2 | 35 |
16.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 1. 2. boss (vagy csak 2.) | 25 |
09.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 1. 2. boss, lehet csak 2. | 15 |
05.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 50 | |
02.02.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 1-2. bossok | 0 |
14.01.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 40 | |
12.01.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 1. boss | 20 |
11.01.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 6. boss | 20 |
09.01.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 50 | |
07.01.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 3. 4. boss | 35 |
03.01.17 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 30 | |
29.12.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
22.12.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | t2 troll | 20 |
17.12.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | Valami réjd | 20 |
10.12.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
08.12.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | t2 | 30 |
01.12.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
26.11.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T2 3. boss és 4. HM try | 30 |
19.11.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 3rd t2c boss 1st kill + 4th boss nm 1st kill | 70 |
17.11.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T2 troll+múmak try | 40 |
12.11.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T2 megint | 20 |
05.11.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | Troll t2c, vadok try | 55 |
13.10.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | t2 | 10 |
01.10.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | t1 | 25 |
29.09.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | t2 | 20 |
22.09.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | t2 | 20 |
08.09.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | Troll t2c 1st kill | 50 |
03.09.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T1v t2 | 10 |
01.09.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T2 | 25 |
25.08.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T2, nem adjuk fel | 20 |
22.08.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T1 | 10 |
11.08.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | Csak T1 lesz! | 20 |
06.08.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
04.08.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 25 | |
30.07.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
28.07.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 25 | |
23.07.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | 20 | |
20.07.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T1 | 20 |
14.07.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | Full clear | 60 |
06.07.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T1 lesz! | 25 |
05.07.16 | Throne of the Dread Terror | T1 | 30 |
30.01.16 | In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth | 0 | |
10.12.15 | In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth | 0 | |
05.11.15 | Epic Battle | 0 | |
17.09.15 | Helegrod: Dragon Wing | Összes wing! | 0 |
28.04.15 | Angmar: The Rift of Núrz Gháshu | Várjuk a kis szintűeket is. | 0 |
21.02.15 | Epic Battle | DW | 0 |
22.12.14 | Pelargir Csata | 0 | |
20.12.14 | Epic Battle | Remélem, hogy hazaérek 8-re :) | 0 |
02.08.14 | In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth | 0 | |
28.07.14 | Tarlang's Crown | TC + OD | 0 |
19.07.14 | In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth | OD Wound + Fear, ha jól haladunk akkor Poison + Disease is | 0 |
17.05.14 | In Their Absence: Ost Dunhoth | Szép OD T2c, gz mindenkinek | 0 |
10.05.14 | Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur | BG lett belőle + skirm | 0 |
22.04.14 | Skirmish (defensive): Battle of the Way of Smiths | WoS lett | 0 |
28.10.13 | Helegrod (85) | Változatosság kedvéért, hátha lesz elég ember(hobbit!).3 wing + Thorog | 0 |
23.10.13 | The Battle for Erebor | T2 | 0 |
18.10.13 | The Battle for Erebor | T2 | 0 |
29.05.13 | The Fires of Smaug | T1 altoknak deedekért | 20 |
18.05.13 | The Battle for Erebor | Smaug t2, too t2 | 35 |
06.04.13 | Dol Guldur: Barad Guldur | BG T2c | 60 |
01.04.13 | The Battle for Erebor | T2 lesz | 45 |
27.03.13 | The Fires of Smaug | T1 altoknak deedekért | 15 |
25.03.13 | The Battle for Erebor | T1 | 20 |
24.03.13 | Isengard: The Tower of Orthanc | Saruman t2 | 50 |
16.03.13 | The Battle for Erebor | T2 (1st killesek előnyben jelentkezésnél!!!) gyakorlás HM-hez | 60 |
15.03.13 | The Battle for Erebor | T1 (warrior rangúak és altok) nem dkp-s farm | 0 |
Item Purchase History 11
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